Ms. Lawhorn and Mr. Castor’s class had a FUN Friday playing Mario Karts to practice following directions, using patience, listening to feedback, and displaying sportsmanship. Their lesson of the day, last is not fun but it’s still a WIN-WIN.

Shout out to Ms. Layne’s first graders. They have had 10 days of perfect attendance and brought a favorite stuffed animal to school to celebrate.

Mrs. Hendley would like to give a "SHOUT OUT" to her homeroom for having perfect attendance for 15 days. Keep up the great work.

Mrs. Gross would like to congratulate her class for having 15 days of perfect attendance for the 2nd semester. Keep it up!!!!

Mrs. Castor's class is having a great time making STEM rainbows for Club B day!

March is Gifted Education Month in the state of Georgia, so SCES is proud to recognize these valuable educators. Click the link attached: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ULmi9wfDZeeqrYHObRSCUxJ4TrIW6RZmdq4-Q3Ubag/edit?usp=sharing

Mrs. Croom would like to give a "Shout Out" to her homeroom for having 15 days of Perfect Attendance for the second semester.

Miss Lizzy and Miss Katrina would like to give Gerardo a "SHOUT OUT" for completing 100 I-ready Lessons.

Mrs. Bowen would like to give a "Shout Out" to Brayden Shellhouse for completing his 1st Reading Choice Board! Way to go!

Mrs. Annette would like to give her class a "SHOUT OUT" for having perfect attendance for 15 days! Great Job!!

It's Ice Cream Day!!

Mrs. Walker would like to give her class a "SHOUT OUT" for having perfect attendance for 20 days. Great Job!

Mrs. Molly and Mrs. Katlyn would like to give a "SHOUT OUT" to Easton for completing 75 iReady lessons, Kamorion and Ava for completing 50 iReady lessons, and Ryan, Harper, Madelyn, Ivee, and Annamarie for completing 25 iReady lessons.

Mrs. Molly and Mrs. Katlyn would like to give Blair a "SHOUT OUT" for completing 25 iReady lessons.

Mrs. Deane would like to give Brooklyn Rambo a "SHOUT OUT" for completing 25 i-Ready lessons! Great job!

Mrs. Walker would like to give a "Shout Out" to Victor Nelson for completing 80 lessons on iready! Way to go!

Mrs. Walker would like to give a "Shout Out" to Robert Hurley, Holden Hicks, Ayden Davis, and Jerry Sapp for completing 40 lessons on iready! Great Job!

Ms. Moore would like to send a "Shout Out" to her homeroom for having 10 days of perfect attendance. I am VERY proud of you!

Mrs. Walker would like to give a "Shout Out" to Casen Lauminick for completing 20 math lessons on iready! Great Job!

Mrs. Walker would like to give a "Shout Out" to Cotton Prescott and Sabrina Bravo for completing 40 math lessons on iready! Great Job!