Update: Open House will be rescheduled. The start date has been pushed back to August 24th.

Mrs. Weldin’s K-3 parents enjoyed Parent Night and learned a lot!

SCES is happy to be partnering with First State Bank this year! First State Bank president, Joey Miller donated 650 folders to SCES to help with the distribution of parent packets!

Learning Today. Succeeding Tomorrow. “Every Student, Every Day!”

We’d like to thank the Threads of Love Ladies for donating mask to the SCES Faculty and Staff!

Georgia Teacher of the Year: Tracey Pendley gives the opening speech at the Seminole County District Convocation

Georgia Pre-K Summer Edition

How to Help Your Child Adapt to Wearing a Mask

Back to School Checklist

Taste Safe Crafts

Fun Craft Ideas

School Supply Scramble

What a fun way to make and eat ice cream!

New Administration at SCES