Dear SCES Families,
Starting Monday, August 23. 2021 we will alter the Morning Drop Off process. Kindergarten through Second Grade will be dropped off at the Main Entrance. Third Grade through Fifth Grade will be dropped off at the Gym Entrance. If you have multiple children, drop the siblings off at your youngest child’s drop off location. In order to prevent anyone from getting run over, please be sure your child exits the vehicle from the driver’s side of the vehicle. To keep the drop off process moving and prevent traffic issues, make sure you and your child(ren) have wished one another a fabulous day, and your child(ren) has everything needed to make the day a success before arriving at their drop off location.
If you are dropping student(s) off at the Main Entrance, enter the parking lot across from the Big Chief. Follow the traffic in front of the 49’ Building to the lane closest to the building, while maintaining a slow, safe speed. Pull under the portico to unload student(s). School employees will be located under the portico to assist student(s) in exiting the vehicle. Exit the parking lot at the northernmost exit. Use this map as a guide.
Main Entrance Drop Off Route
If you are dropping student(s) off at the Gym Entrance, enter the parking lot at the southernmost entrance in the grassy field. Follow the gravel road to the front steps of the Gym, while maintaining a slow, safe speed. School employees will be located at the gym door to assist student(s) in exiting the vehicle. Exit the parking lot across from Fain’s Yard Shop turning right ONLY! Use this map as a guide.
Gym Entrance Drop Off Route
We appreciate your patience and cooperation! We are hopeful this will increase safety and time moving forward!
Truette Johnson